My experience using Wix so far is positive. I've heard people complain that they have problems logging on and that it's slow to use, but I haven't had any problems with it.
The things I've done so far with my website include: Creating main and sub pages, pasting pictures and designing them to look like printed photos, uploading screengrabs of my work from units 1-7, uploading videos and slideshows that only play if you click on them, turning my logo into a button that takes you to the home page.
There is a lot of features to play with, there are some features I only just discovered like a button that takes you to the top of the page, an About me button that takes you to the about me page. You can apply your selfie to the button so when you hover the cursor over it your selfie shows, which is cool.
You can ALMOST make your website exactly how you imagine, there are some small features missing that prevent your site from being as detailed as a professional website like for example - you can't design sub tabs like you can see in the picture below. There are basic designs for your main tabs but nothing in depth.