The Making of My Video
Made my intro seperately
I placed markers consistently throughout so I didnt have to find anything
I designed rolling credits
I added a scale and position animation to zoom in on the monkey's face
I edited the astronaut's audio. He says "goddamit" later in the official video but I took that line and edited it in to his fall
I added a scalee and animation to zoom in on the IMDB quantative data
I made the text so it would show one word at I say it
I took footage of a man looking up and overlayed psychedelic visuals and lowered the opacity so the man face could be visable. I used stock footage
I added an audio fade to the start of the clip and placed it under my own voice so that you can hear thevdirectors start to speak as i finish my sentence
For comedic releif I zoomed in on my face and overlayed Britney Spears face as I mention her
The music I used here was only around 5 seconds in length but it somehow fit perfectly into this scene. There were no fade outs or cuts with the music here, it was just a coincidence that the music ends at the perfect time
I overlayed Neil's foot print and added a fade out so it would be a nicer transition
I created a black matte graphic and a white matte graphic in premiere pro. Then added a scale and postion animation to shrink the black and make a temporary border
I added a scale and postion animation to pan away from the baby's face then panned it back to center the baby's face
I zoomed in the 2001 poster then added a blur effect, then overlayed a copy of the poster untouched but slowly zooms out
I added a surprise Dave face with low opacity animation, then added my face with low opacity and slow zoom in, then the stargate sequence slowly appears back in with low opacity
I added a scale and position animation to this clip so the camera zomms in on the robots feet and follows it as it falls over
I added this picture which is easy to miss. it only last a few frames
I added a scale animation to slowly zoom in
I added a scale and position animation to do an instant zoom in on his face
I staked 3 graphics in my timeline. Then I found a way to make all 3 graphics scroll in sync.
This was a hidden detail that could be easily missed. A few frames before this clip ends, the name chenges to "Rubbish"
For audio I turned on auto gate and changed the threshold so it doesnt cut off too much of my voice.
I also added compression to my voice and the music so that I could bring down loud parts and bring up the low parts. That way I can bring the overall volume up without the loud parts hitting the red
I also added a hard limiter
This is what my finished video looks like in the sequence